
The meeting will be held virtually, using Webex as a platform. Information on how to connect will be sent to registrants shortly before the event.

Please keep your microphone muted during the meeting and hold questions until the end of a presentation. There will be dedicated Q&A time at the end of each day. To ask questions, raise your hand in Webex. The host will call on you to unmute and proceed. You can also ask questions via Webex chat. If you need something clarified during a presentation, please use the chat and we will do our best to respond.

Code of Conduct

This event is a safe, supportive environment. All people at the meeting should be treated with respect. At no time is abusive, demeaning, humiliating, or intimidating behavior acceptable; abuses of power are unacceptable. Meeting attendees should work to provide an environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas. They should promote equality of opportunity and fair treatment for all their colleagues, regardless of gender, race, ethnic and national origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, veteran status, etc. The SOC reserves the right to block access to any attendee.